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Shift Mount

different versions, black
Producer: Wolf Tooth
Shift Mount ISII-22 Clamp
ISII-22 Clamp
CHF 46.00 (CHF 46.00 / 46.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount ISEV-31.8 Clamp
ISEV-31.8 Clamp
CHF 46.00 (CHF 46.00 / 46.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount MM-31.8 Clamp
MM-31.8 Clamp
CHF 46.00 (CHF 46.00 / 46.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount ISEV-22 Clamp
ISEV-22 Clamp
CHF 46.00 (CHF 46.00 / 46.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount ISEV-ISII
CHF 35.00 (CHF 35.00 / 43.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount ISEV-ISB
CHF 35.00 (CHF 35.00 / 43.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount ISEV-MM
CHF 35.00 (CHF 35.00 / 43.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount MM-ISII
CHF 35.00 (CHF 35.00 / 43.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount MM-MAG
CHF 35.00 (CHF 35.00 / 43.00)
+ shipping costs
Shift Mount MM-ISEV
CHF 35.00 (CHF 35.00 / 43.00)
+ shipping costs


ShiftMounts are adapter mounts which allows you to integrate SRAM and Shimano shifters with several different brakes from Shimano, SRAM, and Magura. Handlebar space is prime real-estate and this ShiftMount integrates seamlessly for a clean look.

Tech Specs

Weight: (Including hardware) MM-ISII • 10.5g | MM-ISEV • 9g | ISEV-ISB • 10g | ISEV-ISII • 6g | MM-MAG • 12g
Material: 6061-T6 aluminum
Made in the USA

Mount Type

ShiftMount naming convention is [shifter type - brake type]

  • MM-ISII is for a SRAM Matchmaker shifter mounting to a Shimano I-Spec II brake
  • MM-ISEV is for a SRAM Matchmaker shifter mounting to a Shimano I-Spec EV brake
  • ISEV-ISB is for a Shimano I-Spec EV shifter mounting to a Shimano I-Spec B brake
  • ISEV-ISII is for a Shimano I-Spec EV shifter mounting to a Shimano I-Spec II brake
  • MM-MAG is for a SRAM Matchmaker shifter mounting to a Magura brake
  • ISEV-MM is for a Shimano I-SPEC EV shifter mounting to a SRAM MatchMaker brake


  • Designed to work with rear (right side) brakes and shifters.
  • Consult the brake and shifter manufacturers to understand which mounting interface you have on your brakes and shifters.
  • MM-ISEV, MM-ISII, & MM-MAG is compatible with but not designed for SRAM AXS.  With SRAM AXS the shift lever will be further towards the end of the bar, or closer to the rider's hand than is ideal for most riders.
  • Shimano I-spec A, Hope, and TRP brakes are not supported.
  • Shimano I-spec EV to Magura brakes is not supported because of geometric challenges.
  • ATTENTION only compatible with the right side