Carogna double sided adhesive tape is a fast, clean and safe way to glue tubulars, matching the best mastics in terms of gluing performance and heat-resistance.
Available sizes:
S (16,5mm): for traditional / legacy tubular rims (width of the gluing channel betwenn 15-18mm)
SM (20mm): for common tubular rims (width of the gluing channel betwenn 18-22mm)
M (25mm): for some aero or cyclocross tubular rims (width of the gluing channel between 22-26mm)
L (30mm): for super wide and or gravel specific tubular rims (width of the gluing channel between 26-32)
Rolls are 2m (for one-wheel) or 16m, Shop size (for 8 wheels)
As tubular lover ourselves, we started developing Carogna (pronounced "car-own-ya") double sided adhesive tape with a clear and ambitious goal: to match the gluing performance and heat-resistance of the best mastics, while retaining all the advantages of tapes. In addition to this, we looked seriously into cyclocross and off-road riding in general (mountainbike, gravel), where specific features are needed from the tubular gluing standpoint.